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Author Topic: Hog hunting outfitter help!  (Read 354 times)

Offline silent sniper

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Hog hunting outfitter help!
« on: February 24, 2014, 02:09:00 PM »
Hey guys I am going to have to make a trip to North Carlolina here in a few months and I wanted to do some hog hunting while I was down there. Reading some of the reviews from outfitters in North and South Carolina I am coming up with nothing but bad reviews for the most part. "lack of hogs and waste of money" comments come up regularly. I don't really want to go to a preserve but I don't want to blow $700 on a outfitter with horrible reviews. I Don't really want to drive the extra 10 hours down to Florida either. Can anyone give me any good suggestions on a good outfitter? I can only get 2-3 days off while I'm down there so I have to make them count. Thanks SS

Online David Mitchell

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Re: Hog hunting outfitter help!
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 03:05:00 PM »
sniper, I can't help with any outfitters where you will be.  But I do understand your hesitancy to book with places that get bad reviews.  My buddies and I have hunted annually in Florida on a huge cattle ranch for at least 10 years that is overrun with pigs--not a preserve in any sense.  We all bring back pigs every year we go--usually 2-4 each.  I read about hog hunts where 6-7 guys hunt for three days or more and nobody gets anything.  Can't imagine that.  Maybe someone can give you a steer in the right direction.
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Offline Brock

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Re: Hog hunting outfitter help!
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 03:27:00 PM »
first...are you looking for a hunt (where you may not see anything or get a shot but does not mean it is not a quality hunt with good hogs and guides) or a sure thing (that usually means fenced operation or a preserve of some kind).

There is the TradGang favorite that Ray Hammond used to guide on that many here have visited even recently since Ray has stopped his involvement there...

There is a hog operation in Blackstock SC

and Williams Hunting near Walterboro  but there is no guarantees.

I have hogs on my lease there near Walterboro but with neighbors cattle getting loose and ravaging my feeders and sucking up the food plots it has made everything go nocturnal or move to other areas outside my 400 acres....but dont hunt hogs or coyotes during turkey season (15 March through 1 May) or deer season (15 Aug- 1Jan) unless they just happen to walk by the stand and give us a shot of opportunity....though we shoot every yote we see year round.  We just dont go out and call them in sets during turkey and deer season.

good luck
Keep em sharp,

Ron Herman
Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
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Offline bartcanoe

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Re: Hog hunting outfitter help!
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2014, 03:34:00 PM »
I can't say enough good things about Andrew and Hunt Wild Things.

Here's the story of my recent trip there (second trip);


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Offline silent sniper

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Re: Hog hunting outfitter help!
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2014, 09:21:00 PM »
Thanks guys for the responses. I have no problem with a fair chase hunt and that is exactly what I am looking for. I just want to at least have a chance at a hog. That is my only concern is spending all that money and not even seeing a pig. I will definitely look into hunt wild things. Thanks again, SS

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