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Author Topic: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3  (Read 3404 times)

Offline Todd Brickel

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Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« on: February 28, 2014, 11:08:00 AM »
Hi Guys,

I've been looking at Dick's Wolfer on his website and facebook page and am thinking about getting on the list.  I have 4 of Dick's recurves and one longbow, so I'm a devote fan of his work, but would like to hear from those of you have have actually shot the Wolfer.

$1,500 minimum is not cheap, and from a intricate woods perspective it doesn't seem to have the flash and flare my Fatal Styks have, but yet I'm still very intrigued by the design.

What real world reports can you all share with me?


Online McDave

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2014, 12:07:00 PM »
I have one and will probably hunt with it next year.  The $1,500 price is for a one piece model.  The two piece model is a couple hundred more.  Frankly, I don't know why anyone would ever buy this bow as a one piece, since a significant part of the engineering was to integrate the connection.

In order to accommodate draw lengths out to 30" with a 58" bow, the working length extends almost to the handle.  The arrow is almost on your hand. I have medium sized hands, and notice feather contact on my hand from time to time.  With big hands, this could become annoying.

This isn't a full recurve bow. I would say about 3/4 recurved.  Measured against a Schafer Silvertip of almost the same specs, the Silvertip edges out the Wolfer by a few fps.  I think this is because of the abbreviated recurve on the Wolfer. I presume Dick did this to enhance stability and ruggedness, as this is designed to be a working bow, not a decoration on some wall.  (Not that the Silvertip isn't a working bow too, but it is almost too beautiful to bang around in the woods).

This bow has an extremely short sight window, to accommodate the short handle and long working limbs. This is not a problem with the bow canted, like Dick says it was designed for, but it is noticeable, and might be annoying to some, when the bow is held vertically.

The defining feature of this bow are the offset limbs. They work fine and the bow shoots great, but I can't really tell any difference in the way it shoots compared with bows like the Silvertip that have standard limb shapes.  Maybe I don't know what to look for.

The connection is the most solid and perfect fitting of any I have ever seen, and is of course designed to be used without any tools. Something I wonder about is that it is so precision that you wouldn't want to get any sand or grit in there when you fasten it, and they warn you about that.  It comes with a plug you can put in the female side, and I guess you would just have to be careful about wiping it down on the male side before assembling it, because I'm sure it would pick up some sand or grit when you're carrying it in a pack.
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Offline Bowwild

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2014, 01:52:00 PM »
Thanks for that report McDave!  I've been thinking of trying one too.  The Wolfer would be a radical departure from what I normally prefer, so quite a gamble for me.

Offline tradlab

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2014, 02:39:00 PM »
I have a two piece model and payed $1500 for it not sure if the price has changed.I love this bow, it is smooth drawing ,has a great grip that fits my hand perfectly,and has a lot of mass for such a short riser giving it a very solid , stable feel..As McDave pointed out it is not a full recurve which makes it very easy to string.

Offline Biathlonman

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2014, 02:53:00 PM »
I just don't see it.  I like Dick and by all reports it's a good shooter, but at least a dozen other bowyers will build you a bow bolt short bow that can handle a long draw for a heck of a lit less money.  The Wolfer fits my style of bow, but so does my bow bolt Toelke Chinook and T/D Shrews.

Offline Bear Heart

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2014, 03:01:00 PM »
I wonder if anti-seize, like on a muzzleloader breach plug, would be a good idea.
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Offline CJ Pearson

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2014, 03:11:00 PM »
Still shooting them Robertson's Todd? Is Jim still shooting his?

Offline Todd Brickel

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2014, 04:18:00 PM »
McDave, thank you for the comprehensive report, I really appreciate it.

Thanks to others as well for your feedback.

I'm still on the fence a bit, not sure what to do.  I don't need a new bow, but do any of us really "need" a new bow.

Hey CJ, nice to hear from you.  Hope all is well with you.  Yep, I'm still shooting Robertsons.  Jim still has his as well, but has moved over to a Mohawk as his go to bow.  I also got a Sparrowhawk from Vince, and it is a supreme bow and a great value.  Vince's bows absolutely shoot where you point them.

Which I guess bring my question back around.  I can have almost 3 of Vince's bows for the price of one Wolfer - but they are different for sure, and I'm still intrigued with the recurve design of the Wolfer. Decisions....decisions.

Will take any other feedback gangers have to offer.


Offline Kyle Lancaster

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2014, 05:09:00 PM »
My opinion...

Dick Robertson was one of the founding fathers of the resurgence of traditional archery. On top of that he builds a hell of a good looking and better shooting bow. I, too, was enamored with the Wolfer. (The book is excellant also and if anyone wants to borrom mine, then shoot me a pm). However, I couldn't justify the funds for a Wolfer. At that, I found the Toelke Chinook bow bolt td (and 1 pc). It's a heck of a bow for alot less money and shares many of the advertised Wolfer's features. With that said, I haven't shot a Wolfer so I don't have any apples-to-apples comparison and it might just be worth alot more.
I hope that I'm not coming across as knocking the Robertsons. They have and continue to do alot for Traditionaly Archery and I have a great deal of respect for them.


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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2014, 07:05:00 PM »
When I first heard of them I thought I would never pay $1500-$1700 for a bow. But a good buddy made the mistake of letting me shoot his and it was over from there. I got my name on the list a few weeks ago. The wolfer is the smoothest bow I have ever shot. It a is a great design and the Robertsons craft some of best looking bows out there. They are just good people all in all. I did have to sell a rifle and bow to fund the wolfer but it is worth it to me. Cant wait to get mine and hunt with it.

Offline Hermon

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2014, 08:54:00 PM »
If anyone out there that has one could post some pictures that would be great.  I've been to their website and facebook page, but those pics just don't show them off very well.

Offline Dan Adair

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2014, 10:55:00 PM »
Look for Robertson Wolfgang on Facebook.  There was a lot of Wolfer pics there.

I shot a couple of the early ones, and the #1 Wolfer that sold at the BHA expo in Idaho last year.  It's a sweet little bow, well thought out.  Casts smooth and fast, it's quiet, and it was very forgiving for range of spine it would shoot decent (My Silvertip is WAY more picky)

The only thing that kept me from buying one is that it's a 58" bow, and 58" bows kill my ring finger.  There's also a pretty good rumor going around that there's a Wolfer 3 piece in the works.

I'm just looking forward to spending more time around the Robertson Tribe now that they're moving closer to my part of the state.

Offline juneaulongbow

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2014, 11:32:00 PM »
I've had a Purist longbow and currently have a 3 piece Vision Falcon. I'd love to have a Wolfer. I'll wait until after the limited editions are through. Surely he won't retire the design... and maybe, just maybe, the price will go down.

Offline Hermon

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2014, 08:30:00 AM »
I've seen those pictures on the facebook page.  Only 2-3 bows and personally, I do not like the red one.  Was interested in what other woods they have been using.  Really like the look of the one that was donated to the auction and the bow that looks like myrtle to me is nice.

Offline Justin Falon

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2014, 10:14:00 AM »
It's all marketing.

Offline tradlab

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2014, 11:03:00 AM »
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My son was kind enough to post these pictures of my wolfer for me.It's 54lbs at 28 in and a typical beautiful Dick Robertson creation.Smooth drawing,beautifully balanced and quick.

Offline Todd Brickel

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2014, 01:33:00 PM »
Thanks for posting the pictures of your wolfer Tradlab. This shows the strung profile nicely that i havent seen before.  Beautiful bow!  Sounds like you are very happy with your bow, which is a good testimonial.


Offline Todd Brickel

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2014, 01:37:00 PM »
Tradlab, what type of limb silencers do you have on your bow? At least that is what i believe im seeing.

Offline tradlab

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2014, 05:30:00 PM »
Todd the silencers are rubber cat whiskers. I have a collection of dick's bows and love them all. Its always a struggle to decide which one goes hunting.

Offline tradlab

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Re: Robertson Wolfer - NEW PICS pg 3
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2014, 05:53:00 PM »
Todd I just realized you meant limb silencer not string silencer. Those are stiktamers, 3 rivers carries them. They seem to help a little but what i really use them for is to allow me to remove my bow from my bow holder silently without alerting our  spooky whitetails.

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