I don't think I paid much more than 300 for the Sitka downpour jacket and pants, maybe 250, I can not remember. For years I used Gander Mountain tech h2o stuff, worked great, really inexpensive and was quiet, fuzzy like material, never noisy. Not more than 150 bucks.
Rain gear story for you, out hunting and it rained more and more, finally after 3 hours it became a complete downpour, I decided to head for the vehicle and pack up. Put my hood over my head, big floppy hood and was putting my stand away (wolf hang on with ladders) . I could see nothing but the stand the hood was so large and then A huge blow from a deer right next to me, I jumped up after grabbing my heart and removed my hood, it was raining so hard I never saw it-ha! Don't use the hood!
I have seen the frog togg stuff, it looks like it would be really noisy if rain hit it.