Q1: How many acres of farmland are desirable for an outdoor target + 3D range?
Currently I know of NO archery ranges in/near my city of 300,000 people. That's amazing (and pathetic). Though I live in the country, and can shoot any time I want, city folks currently have no place to shoot. :( So I'm wondering what it would take to turn 40 (or 80) acres of farmland into an archery range. Or would even 40 acres (~420 yds x 420 yds) be WAY more than needed for a field archery / 3D range?
(If I knew how to post pictures, I'd post the Google Earth overhead shot.)
Q2: What about vegetation for an Olympic range? The proposed target range would replace previously broken-in crop-land. It's relatively flat (hey, it's Saskatchewan!) Would wild grasses offer the lowest maintenance? ...or would weeds just take over? Or is mowed, "city grass" preferable to wild grasses? My dad farms, so planting is no problem in the broken part.
Q3: The "proposed 3D course" would consist of the unbroken portion - a ~20 acre bluff of wild aspen/poplars and buckbrush, with some open wild-grassy areas. Inside it's mostly flat; elevations may only deviate 5-8 feet in height, unless some heavy machinery is brought in $$$. It also has tall wild grass, which probably means alot of arrow-hunting. And NONE of the existing trees are big enough for treestands.
Q4: Can anyone post a link with pictures/website of their ranges, of even a Google Earth overhead shot?
Is this a pipe dream?