so I got to head to Millersburg yesterday to meet up with one of the best bow makers in Ohio Roman Hershberger at Hill Country bows.a few weeks ago I took delivery of my competition bow basically a wild cat with a longer riser constructed primarily of phenolicwith some curly maple stripes for accent. The phenolic not only made the bow heavier it eliminated any chance for hand shock and acts to stabilize the bow on the shot. I can definitively say this is the smoothest shooting longbow I have ever held. the bow specs are 47 pounds at 28 and 66 inches long we measured the bow through the chronograph and consistently got 200 to 202 feet per second with a 360 grain arrow. it will be my primary bow for competition this year and I can say it is one sweet shooter.tiger maple laminations with phenolic riser and tiger maple accent strips. Enjoy! the second bow is a 56 inch 50 pound Bobcat with the much-anticipated static limbs.I shot it yesterday too and all I can say is wow! This bow is smoking fast!hopefully Colin can get pictures posted but chronograph readings were regularly between 219 and 223, also with the 360 grain arrow. honestly the bow is almost dead silent with no strings silencers at all installed and very very smooth for a 56 inch bow. I was so impressed with the bow I am in the process of selling my favorite short bow so that I can put one on order. I should also mention I was amazed how quickly I was able to stack arrows with it. The bow shoots exactly where you look and shot two different arrow combinations that were quite a bit different very well. who knows this bow could make a recurve man out of me! Ceme 24 will post pics of the Bows so please save comments until after he gets the pictures up should only be a few minutes.