Look for edge areas that are south facing where grasses and sedges grow. Dandelions are a great attractant mid-May, and anywhere that clover has been seeded as part of forestry work.
Spring bears tend to rely heavily on a herbivore diet until calves/fawns begin to drop, so they are grazing.
Spot and stalk is a blast.
Calling works great (fawn/rabbit in distress), but i usually call AFTER i've spotted a bear and confirmed that it's not a sow with cubs (sows with year old cubs will often run them up a tree prior to checking out a call).
Once rut hits, another option is a bear call. It imitates a cub in distress (being attacked by a boar). I won't use it anywhere where grizzlies are, and be prepared for a fast aggressive bear (usually a boar looking to chase off another boar to breed the sow) coming in.
I can't remember WA State's definition of bait, but here in BC anything scent based that is an attractant is not legal for bears (honey burns, etc.).