When I shot long bows...homemade wool yarn, for recurves...whiskers and yarn wrapped loops. This has been debated here and other sites so much that I think we could entertain the possibility that "one size may not fit all". While many materials can be entirely adequate across the board, when you start considering harmonics of recurves vs. long bows, refex vs. deflex, string materials, # of strands, split vs. 3U, brace height, tuning and individual form idiosyncracies (and more factors I don't have time to list)I'd be stunned if some materials didn't outshine others for a given combination. Unfortunately, it may only be that one. Obviously, none of us are going to live long enough to do objective, controlled scientific testing covering all the exponential combinations of above listed variables, even if only half of them are relevant. So, feel free to tinker with yours and, like the snowflake, take comfort in the fact that there's not another exactly like it, lol!