Barry , I wish I could type as fast as some people think I talk , I'm a 2 finger man but I feel comfortable with the term "hunt and peck "
Jim I would love to come out there and try my hand at those big Wisconsin whitetails . Finding the time might be tough but you never know .
And John I usually go alligator hunting with my Son , Grandson and Son-in-law but that doesn't mean I can't go for a second one ,I go down to Florida in mid October for my Grandson's birthday and hunt the last week of the season as it goes out Nov. 1st . I've taken 3 the last 3 years .
Great to hear from you Sean , you are all mended now I hope . I've got some really neat pictures on my camera but can't seem to get them to photobucket . I got this new computer and it's like I have to learn all over again .
The story I posted was only the first day of a Great trip . Second day I went back to the same area with the hopes of getting Ray onto some javies . I spent the morning glassing over an area I overlooked the day before and seen several javies before noon . Ray had gone into the blind late morning so I decided get on the highest point and watch the excitement when it happened . The sun was shining and the wind was blowing a steady breeze and I laid back to enjoy it and woke up an hour and a half later . I can gert my best naps in the woods or in this case on the prairie . Much invigorated I decided to do some exploring . I followed a dry gulch up to it's head then crossed a ridge and followed another for a ways . I kept this up for about 4 hours and found some really neat if not useless stuff . I found what the guys at camp thought was a fossilized bone , 3 shed antlers , 2 from whitetails and 1 from a mulie , nothing big but neat all the same . A couple of horseshoes which might have some history . a really neat rock that looked like it may have been used for grinding grain as it was bowl shaped . Regettably it was too heavy to carry around but I made notes where it can be found again .I did take pictures of it though . I would like to get a pair of jack-ass donkeys and spend a few days wandering around out there with my bow and just look the country over and carry back all the crap I find . With the sun going down I headed back to check on Ray . I was heading for a ridge to sit and overlook the blind but when I got about 200 yards from the blind I heard a sound like a grunt - growl mix and knew Ray had connected . Coming down the ridge there was a ravine between the blind and the ridge . I could see Ray motioning for me to be on the lookout as his javie had run into the ravine . The ravines are the only place where the cover is thick and this one was one of the thickest . From here on in this is Ray's story . just let me say that looking for his javie I stumbled onto the skull and horns of some kind of antelope . of course I brought it back . Gene said it was an " Addick " Apparently there were 2 on the ranch and this one went missing a year or so ago and the other one only had one horn so they culled it . but the ranch being 42,000 acres what's the chances of finding it . On the way back to the truck I found another whitetail shed . A truly remarkable place , I'd love to go again .
Hopefully my Daughter will stop by tomorrow and load these pics for me . Hope I'm not boring you with my ramblings , Fred