There is very little I could have done differently.
When I started there was no internet, no Traditional Bowhunter Magazine, the available books on traditional archery were not well known or available to a kid, Traditional archery wasn't even invented yet (the name). I had some mentors, but frankly, I would have been better off without some of their teachings.
In the beginning I thought I had proper form, and I think, the actuality of proper form has morphed since then anyway. I though I shot OK...boy were my eyes opened.
Nearly everything I learned I had to learn by trial and error. Heck, most of the guys on here that started before early 1970's did.
If I had the internet and its available information (direct and indirect ie. being able to look up and order books I didn't even know existed) and its ability to give me more and more mentors, in spite of distance or language, I would have been in heaven.
Heck.. I want to learn how to fly fish and it is slightly overwhelming to me, in spite of my lifelong addiction to "regular fishing". I just spent a few days on-line looking at videos put out by Orvis and a few others and heck. . . I'm ready to jump in (with both feet !). It was that much different.
My next project may be brain surgery (always wanted to do that) !
OK.. to your question. What would I do differently ? Not screw up so much. Not waste time. Not sit at home dreaming when I could have been out pursuing. Not putting myself into dangerous elevated situations. a good start.
Oh, and get all kinds of out-of-state hunts in while they were all legal and still affordable !