Originally posted by KeganM: Started split. Very comfortable, very natural. Made it tough to be as accurate as I wanted though. Made myself stick with three and I'm glad I did. My accuracy went way up and my success in the woods did too. It's not hard to tune out noise when shooting three under, and all of the top IBO shooters shoot three under. It makes sense to get the arrow close to your eye so you can just point and shoot.
Originally posted by KeganM: I've yet to come across a bow that I couldn't tune well for three under. You will need two nocking points though. I had issues with noise until I used a second one under the nock too.Like I said, all the top barebow shooters all shoot three under, not one of them shoots split.
Originally posted by Thumper Dunker: Shot split for a long time tried three under a few years back now split feels real goofy now. I can't say I shoot better with one or the other and my bows are still quiet with ether way. I only have one nocking point.
Originally posted by DanielB89: Kegan, I have noticed that no one that is in the top shoots split. What would be the best starting point for trying out 3 under as far as nock point in comparison to split?