How bout that. One week to the day of the season opener. I got up yesterday morning, went in the same scope of woods where I was last saturday morning. I had been seeing gobbler tracks on the road all week, but have not heard a gobble yet.
I popped blind up, and decided that I would just come back in saturday morning, and start my morning off listening from the blind. Well it started raining at daylight, and was still as a pin. Not a single peep from a turkey. I had the jake dsd flock of decoys out, and was calling like a turkey off the roost after daylight. Long lonesome yelps,few clucks and purrs. I would stop calling every 10 min and just sit and listen.
I looked down, and heard a flop. looked up and had a hen at 5 yds slapping and pecking the face of my upright hen. I heard leaves scratch to my left backside of the blind. Here come two more hens, and they start pecking my dekes. I waited for 10 min and no gobbler. I thought I heard a drum once, but didn't dare move with the hens in my face. I heard leaves and looked left through a crack, and there they stood. Two long beards, a strutter, and a stander. He stood motionless strutting for 10 min then made his move in on the jake at 12 yds. He brushed right up against the decoy posturing, and that is when I drew the Tines. I released thwack!!! and he went 20yds. The simmons treeshark went in about 6-8 inches, and dispatched him quickly.
Not used to the birds being so quiet, and never thought that I would be so addicted to bowhunting them. I guess I have to try and get one more so I can say I have a season limit with the curve.
The turkey was a 2 year old, with no real exciting spurs. I would have taken a picture if over an inch. Like my handle reads, I like spurs, so it takes some decent ones to get me excited. I will say this though, he was a fine bird, and I am proud to have him. He had three beards. That makes up for small spurs, lol.