I am new to trad archery, and have been shooting a 1974 Shakesspeare Wambaw for a month and a half now. I've also been shooting a Jerry Hill wildcatII, that I picked up for short money to experience the long bow. The Wambaw is 45#, the JH is 50#. I gave up archery while going to college years ago, and in 2003 under went surgery on my drawing arm shoulder for 60% torn librum, 40% torn rotator cuff, 50%torn bicep tendon, and bone spur.
Good news is that shooting the bows bothers it less and less now. I have been getting improved accuracy with shooting the Wambaw out to 20yds, and can almost maintain consistent 12" 30 yd groups, actually 18-20" with that occasional "flyer" out of a seven shot string.
My JH is more of a challenge to shoot, bow cant plays more of a role in windage. I like shooting it, it hits with authority, but is slower than the Wambaw.
My question is, is it detrimental to be shooting two different bows? The JH has a stiffer draw, I'm not as good with it, however, every shot string I'll have 2 arrows touching. Either it has some accuracy potential, or It's a consistent mistake. When my groups open up from fatigue, I pick up the Wambaw which is easier/smoother to draw, confidence boosting, and prolongs my arrow sailing fun.
What is the trad community's thoughts on shooting 2 different bows?