Ok, I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and tell you about my experience with Kent Roberts and his TimberGhost bows.
Several weeks ago, I contacted Kent about a beautiful bacote "Smoke" that was 54" and 51#@28" listed as an in-stock bow on the sponsor's classifieds. I finally had the money to buy this work of art. :D
I took him up on his offer to ink my name on it and after a short time, it was ready. Now, Kent only lives about an hour and a half to two hrs. away from me, so I asked if I could come pick it up, instead of waiting for the mail. He did me one better, and met me halfway instead.
, but I think it's just because he's a good man who cares about the satisfaction of his customers)
I have to admit that I don't notice a huge difference with the extra 9 pounds, except that I think it's helping me to really get my back into it and it feels like my release is crisper. But, the bow draws just as smooth (or smoother) than any of my other bows that are all around 50#.
For those that haven't tried a smoke, the grip on these things is AMAZING! Between the thumb rest and the switchback edge that parallels the life line, it is an extremely comfortable and repeatable grip. Coupled with the low cut, radius-ed shelf it is unbelievably point-and-shootable.
I didn't have time to get and tune any arrows for the new bow before it was time for my little vacation to OJAM (Oklahoma Selfbow Jamboree). [It's a trad only gathering for learning primitive skills with a few novelty shoots open to all trad archery (not just selfbows).]
One of my favorite shoots is the "clout shoot" where a target is set up at about 80-90 yards across a pond, and the top shooters get to choose a prize pack from donated items. I decided I wanted to shoot my new smoke in the clout shoot, but had no arrows made up. Well my friend Patrick (aka SKITCH) had a couple of footed .400 spine arrows that we put 250gn points on to get me at about 584gns, which put me right around 10gpp.
So I took my borrowed arrows, and took two practice shots at about 15yds (my first 2 shots at a target with this bow) and went off to try it out. My first 2 shots I missed, but not by a lot. So Patrick insisted that I try again. On my 3rd attempt (5th shot ever out of this bow), I missed just high. The 4th shot at the 80-90 yard target, I draw.....set my angle.....expand....release....one one thousand, two one thousand.....thump! I connected!!! Centered (for windage) and high in the multi-colored target. The arrow was in the white and the top ten arrows so far were all in the blue or better, so I didn't win anything except a HUGE amount of confidence in my new bow, but WOW!
So that is my lengthy review (so far) of my TimberGhost and the outstanding customer service that Kent provides.
You owe it to yourself to try out a TimberGhost if you're considering it, and if you haven't thought about it, maybe you should.
I'll try to post some pics later, but in the meantime, maybe Kent could post the ones that he sent me?