We have some amazing talent building bows for us, bows that have some of the best features, exotic woods, carbon backed, flares, you name it. Recently to celebrate my 50th birthday I purchased a 1964 Bear Grizzly with Zebrawood and brown glass. Partly to be a gift for me, partly because Fred Bear was a great influence of mine since I was a boy scout. I honestly meant for the bow to be a display bow, not sure if a 50 year old bow would be wise to shoot. Boy was I wrong, I couldn't help myself, I braced the bow and took her out to shoot. It is no wonder to me that the Grizzly has not changed since 1964. It works perfectly, smooth, quiet, and every arrow hit the mark. For a bow that cost my the same as a couple dozen arrows I am sincerely impressed. God Bless Mr. Bear for having the vision to create a bow every hunter can afford and be proud to shoot.
So don't think that newer is necessarily better,these oldies are classics for a reason !!!
Nothing against the exotic bows but proof of a simple design, and a good chunk of wood goes a long way (and time)