Ron, its probably warmer here than it is there, but when we do a similiar hunt by canoe in October,one of our main concerns is what to do with the meat when you do kill one, a solo hunt will mean packing the meat from the kill site to the water then either having ice chests in the truck or in your boat, and that takes up precious room in a canoe. It may not be a concern there though. one place we have hunted is a 26 mile section of river where we have a long days float down river to the truck at the fastest. and going to the truck means the end of the trip, i assume your paddling flat water?
for sure do the hunt ! im in the same thought process and on my 60th birthday last year,i took a 5 day solo canoe trip which is something i had been putting off for one reason or the other, it was a awesome 5 days. as i get older, i look back on things that i have put off and really wish i hadnt, its not going to be real long before i cant do the back packing and hiking i could a few years ago, so im planning several adventures over the next two years or so to do em while i can...