Made it home and rested, Ill tell a bit before I have to roll out. My traveling crew was made up of me of course, Cuz, Ken Thornhill (KAT), Steve Helstowski, and Jeff Vadney (Bear Misser) all members of Mohawk Hudson Traditional Archers as well as myself and Cuz, members of the infamous Puerto Rican Outdoorsmen.
We pulled into Estill on Thursday 2:00pm after a smooth 16 hour drive and were invigorated by the sun and 60 something temps after our brutal winter, bought our licenses at Wiggins, stretched our legs and ate some down home goodness at Lesters BBQ while waiting to be picked up by Andrew Harper. Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmmm it was good.
We had all been to Hog Heaven previously and all had an idea of how the hunt could turn out but were only familiar with the old camp Hog Heaven. Let me tell you what, the new camp is like a little piece of outdoorsmens heaven in a scenic and welcoming compound. The camp truly reflected Southern Hospitality at its finest. Smell of pine, birds of all kinds, Spanish moss, a beautiful pond sprinkled here and the with lil "gatahs". I was in my glory and could feel civilization and its all of its pressures and dramas leaving me with every exhaled breath.