I love the old Howatts.
I picked this one up a little beat, and was going to restore it with high gloss as a collector piece.
The more I looked it over, I figured this little guy has to hunt again. The heck with vintage collecting this time.
So I went at it, leaving the original decals and writing, but gave it a satin finish and slapped on some greenish Mojave rattlesnake skins.
I like the results. Figured I'd share it with those trad brothers and sisters who like the old Howatts, and hunt with them.
Its a High speed, 54", 54#@ 28". HSX1945.
I don't know the year made, if anyone wants to chime in on its age. My guess is late 60's?
Havent seen one with this wood combo, pretty cool. Havent shot it yet......