i like longbows and my 2pc 64" sparrowhawk feels SO smooth for my 29+" draw length. but it's not the most versatile bow length when up a tree. in fact, it can be very limiting as to what "hole" (branches, leaves, etc) yer gonna be able to shoot through. i found that very limiting in my whitetail hunts down in texas.
the last really short stickbow i had was a 52" bear magnum, back in the mid 60's. i hated it.
this 54" timberghost hybrid t/d i just got is/was more of an experiment to see if i could adjust to a much shorter bow and deal with any stacking issues, and make for easier tree stand hunting.
so far, so good - no stack, fast and stable, good pointability, shoots quite well for me. it'll get a good workout this sunday at the club's field and golf courses.