My Hunting Partner and I had a great week in Nebraska.
Hunt started off slow, high winds, cold weather not great for Turkey hunting. But it broke on Wednesday and the birds started to cooperate. Thursday morning Mark called in a bird he had roosted the night before, actually called the hens and the Gobbler followed, blew up on his Jake decoy. The results.
I got lucky that evening, couldn't get the Gobbler away from the hens that morning, but went back early evening and fired him up. He Came in real quick. My first bird of the hunt.
I didn't think it could get any better but it did. We both got another bird the next day. I didn't get a pic of Marks bird but here is a pic of my second bird of the hunt and a couple extra hunt photos.
Thanks RW
My decoys and blind, shot both birds from it.
I think this is what is called a dirt nap. Good luck to all you guys chasing these great birds this spring.