Well, my HHA Halfbreed showed up!! It is 52# at my 26" draw and is 64" long with backset. The riser and tips are cocobolo with a locator and moose hide grip. It actually came in Saturday morning after me and dad got back from another turkey hunt turned stump shooting session, but I have been too busy shooting and everything to get on and post anything. This is my first custom bow that I have ever had made specifically for me so I couldn't be happier! Now to figure out a right arrow setup for the thing and to get her fine tuned. I've been shooting it a lot and it is a completely different beast from the bamabow elite that I have been shooting. I'm going to have to get to where it stops slapping my wrist and adjust the way I shoot a bit. I will get pictures up as soon as I get imagelinky to quit giving me error messages and can figure out how to upload them.