Thanks guys for the reply.
To be honest, this is extremely overwhelming. I am a recurve guy through and through. I've shot them all, and have at one point owned most. But I know NOTHING about longbows!
My experience is limited to two 58" Kanatis and one takedown 58" Bob Lee longbow.
Major form changes and deconstruction of my shot sequence have resulted in a 2 inch increase in draw length. (30.5" now)
Longer bows are the flavor of the week for me right now (playing with Spigarelli BB ILF & Border HEX5 limbs for 68" bow) I've gotta say, these longer bows are sweeeeeet.
Which is why I want to give a longbow another honest try that better matches my shooting form and style now. I think 66" will fit the bill quite nicely.
I've got a lot of bowyer websites to visit!