Originally posted by David Mitchell: Funny how the stuff that was normal decades ago and worked great now is thought to be totally inadequate. All sorts of stuff has been killed for ages using that kind of set-up. Certainly it will work--but only if the arrow is put in the right spot. Be sure your friend knows just where the vitals are located on a pig. You can't shoot them as you would a deer--need to be more forward. Hope your friend gets you back to the old ways.
Originally posted by old wi bowyer: That wood arrow will probably work better than your carbon arrow. It has for over 50+ years.
Originally posted by bowfanatik: Well , i have in my bow two strips fiberglas and one strip of carbon :-) . That is allot nontraditional materials . Carbon arrow is logical solution for me . But , before couple days i was ordered on Osage selfbow . For that bow i will use some nasty woodies