The first bird in looked huge! He actually went around the back of the hen and came at the Jake from behind. As he attacked the Jake with his wings I started to put a little tension on the string. As soon as he turned enough so his head was facing the hen I began my draw. I stayed focused and sent the arrow thru the sweet spot. The string from the tracker played out as he tried to run down hill. But he only went about 30 yards and started to flop.
Then all hell broke loose as the other 2 toms came in and attacked my Jake. The flew at him , they spurred it and ultimately broke its stake by jumping on it. They stood on it and made a tremendous amount of what I called PO'd noises!
I kept thinking, WOW I am getting all of this on video!! But some days not everything goes right. When I thought I had turned the camera on, I had actually turned the camera off!

He is my best bird to date. THREE BEARDS! They measured 10, 9, and 8 inches respectively. He weighed in at 25.6 lbs . One spur was 1 inch 1/8 and the other was broken off and measured only 7/8. For those out there who keep score, he approaches the 100 point mark.