I needed no alarm this morning. I woke up at 4:15 am and was ready to start dressing as soon as I finished reading and forwarding today's devotionals.
I was surprised before I could even get the remainder of the stuff loaded into the HHR.
I guess some bows do have minds and wills of their own...lol I opened the passenger side door to put the "Amazon Queen"(JD Berry Northstar) in her seat only to find the "Amazon Lady"(JD Berry Vixen) sitting there ready to hit the woods.
After some talking and apologizing I unstrung her and moved her to the camping trailer.
Pre-dawn found me set up in a section of woods that I was very familiar with and has been a very good spot for me in years past.
I made my 1st owl hoot just to see if any of the boys would sound off telling me their approximate roosting spot.....nothing happen!!
After about 20 minutes the real thing had moved to my area and did his best to get me to hoot back to him giving away my position.
I was smiling after his 3rd series calls woke up the gobblers and it sounded as if I had chosen an area near a turkey farm operation.
I heard everything from what I would call "Boss" birds to some that had to be juveniles who were trying out their voices for maybe the 1st time ever.
I made a few soft tree yelps followed by a fly down cackle and one of the "bosses" replied at full volume.
I was ready, then it came....No, not the bird but the rain.
Years ago I would have tried to stick it out but being older and wiser these days I quietly made my way back to the HHR and home.
If the rain stops I may try again today. If not, there's tomorrow to look forward to.
God bless,Mudd