Kirkll, I have some spare time next tuesday between 5: and 10: but I'm going to squander it away with a pig hunt...maybe
Yes, going to be putting it up for sale. Thing is, I spent most of yesterday downsizing about a 1/3rd in to riser blocks but a lot of that will have to dry. However that little pallet of wood is just a small portion of what I have had in the "WOOD ROOM" for years.
We are currently trying to figure out how to handle this as far as web site goes. I want to list riser blocks and veneers with pictures so they can be bought from the site. This will help to increase my PIG hunting time.
I do enjoy talking with my customers, but that can be very time consuming when I have to return a call, figure out what they want, find, cut, take pictures, then call and finally take order...that is if I got it right the first time.
I'm sure I will still have to do some of that, but the on line stuff should help...besides, not only do the pigs require does my dog..she truly needs me
I hadn't planned on bringing any wood to the Classic, but if you would like me to, give us a call or email by Wed morning and I'll be happy to.
I have been including a size able box of scrap to bring to the show.
thanks, bigjim