Ok so we know the tally...almost everyone has chimed in. I imagine Zach is killing it on the forge and welder right now as he has a massive project.
I got to play chef for the week. Jeff and Zach were kind enough to pick up all my stuff via a shopping list...couple of guys who self admittingly hate to shop. I supplied the protein and had the menu planned. I love to cook and enjoyed putting together our dinners. If I am in camp, hunger is not an issue. Appreciate the fellas putting up with my late evening dinners and were gentlemen when it came to waiting on my meals. So after 5 snickers were gone (first day) we had a little etouffee. I channeled my inner Kip Manual...even though it will never be as good as his

I also made some turkey legs, braised. See above pic.
*Shrimp, sausage
The rest of the week was wood hog meatballs and spaghetti, and a wild turkey sauce picante on the final night.
Food in a camp like this harkens me back to what deer camps were like as a kid. Seeing the guys gathered around eating my food and telling stories of the days hunt will forever be burned into the pictures of this hunt long after. Congrats to all the guys on their birds...and for the two of us with one Snickers (me, Zach) wait until next year