NativeCraft, one tannery is One thing to keep in mind with this tannery is that they make no effort to return to you the exact skin that you sent them. Upon receipt of your hide, it is measured.....say it measures 9 square feet......and you will be returned 9 square feet of tanned leather, but not the same 9 square feet that you originally sent them. Somewhere on the website they caution that if you have a very unique or special hide that you want back, you should probably find another tanner. If this isn't a problem for you, let me say that I had excellent service and results from them. I sent them a hide, purcased a pair of lined deerskin gloves for my wife these gloves at a reduced price because I had sent them hide.....
and asked for what was left over from my original sq ft of hide to be returned as tanned leather. After several phone calls, which were handled by a very pleasant and knowledgable young lady, and payment for what I wanted, I received a very nice pair of lined gloves and enought soft, creamy white leather to make a nice back quiver. It was slightly disappointing to me that my gloves and quiver are not made from the deer that I killed, but since tanning my hide myself is beyond my abilities, I guess this will have to do. I would use them again without hesitation. Hope this helps. dj