I had no idea what I was getting into when my 9 year old son talked me into this bow and arrow thing. Our "friend" donated a kid's sized compound bow. My boy insisted that I join him and get my own bow. Honestly, I couldn't imagine anything more boring than shooting pointy sticks at hay bales. Not only that, I don't find those funky looking bows with wheels, cables, and pullies all that aesthetically pleasing. Nope. If I was going to play with archaic weaponry, I wanted something simple. I wanted a nice old stick with a string tied to each end shooting other smaller sticks with a point on one end and feathers on the other.
Well, wouldn't you know it? I got hooked hard! My first Craigslist purchase was for two bows completely covered in paint - no distinguishing marks at all except a rustoleum-covered coin on one of the bows. Turns out that one is a 1961 Kodiak Special 40 lbs beauty in zebra wood! The second is a JC Penny Formost recurve. Well, two bows for $50 bucks is a good deal, right? I should be satisfied with my bows and just go out and shoot. No need to buy anymore sticks. Then, I found my second deal.
Craigslist is either my best friend or worst enemy. I picked up a stunning Custom made longbow from White Wolf Archery...for my "wife", of course. Then today I picked up a Martin Savannah. Hope the wife doesn't look in my work area of the garage anytime soon.
Is there an intervention group on this site? Oh, and don't even get me started on arrow making! That's the next step.