John Strunk in Oregon makes a good self bow for sale, usually from either yew or Osage, although he makes them from other woods too. I think some of the finest self bows have been made by people for their own use. Some of those are featured each month in Primitive Archer magazine. Since a good, and even excellent and beautiful self bow can be made with readily available hand tools, making it yourself is something you might want to consider. Classes in making them are offered from time to time around the country, and you can probably find one close to where you live. Self bows are frequently offered for sale at traditional archery meets, with the advantage that you might get to try it out, or at least pull it, before you buy it.
Any self bow has a certain number of shots in its lifetime, which can be extended by proper care and unstringing the bow when it's not being used. It's hard to say how long one will last, but not nearly as long as a fiberglass backed laminated bow, unless it spends most of its life hanging on the wall.