A couple of months ago I got a hankerin' for a D/R longbow to compliment my JD Berry Morningstar and my Hill bows. I completed a few trades for some truly exceptional used bows by some well known bowyers, and after each trade I realized something just wasn't doing it for me. As time went by, and after daily discussions and texts with Balentine (Brianlocal3) as to whether or not I was on an unfillable quest, I came to realize that what was missing was the Hill style grip.
Nothing else will do any longer for me. The Hill grip is pure comfort to me, instantly recognizable to my hand......in daylight or in darkness. As I shot some of these other bows, I knew I had yet to find my dream bow.
Brian patiently listened as I whined and flip flopped between continuing on my quest for a D/R or having James build me a Vixen......one I've lusted after as well. Well, trad friends are a different breed that's for sure. We make friends all over the world.....and become as close as brothers, yet we've never shaken hands in person.
One Saturday morning not too long ago Brian called me....said James was waiting by the phone for me to call him and hung up. Huh? What the heck? Needless to say, I called as my curiosity was peaked. Well, James and I had our usual conversation full of too many laughs and personal barbs.....you know, that internet friendship thing. In the end, James said send me a check and I'll solve your problem. I know better to argue with one of my trad friends, much less two!
Well, a yellow ticket in my P.O. Box today led to an exchange of said ticket for a long box with a Medical Lake, Wa return address on it. Ooooh........now I'm burnin' to get to the house!
Enter the Argos! Brian and James......you two gentlemen are cut of the finest cloth!