A confession is in order. I've made Prairie Drifter a few of these now. This is in no way shape or form my design. Mike, (Prairie Drifter) really likes short bows, he's enjoyed the Rocky Mountain recurves, and they aren't in production any longer. I'm not sure the bowyer's name that made them but he was an engineering genius. Anyhow, Mike challenged me to make these "replicas" of the rocky mtn recurves. If anything it's helped me to get my feet wet in the realm of take down bows. I don't like copying another's work so I changed a few things here and there. I've not decided if it's something I want to market or not, since the craze seems to be heading toward long recurves, hybrids, and short longbows.
I just figured I'd clear this up, the work and labor, and final product pictured is my work, but the hard part (design, testing, tweeking etc.) is the work of the guy who used to make Rockies.