I didn't think I was going to be making this hunt. Back in October of 2013 the company I worked for was bought out and I found out around Thanksgiving that I would not be retained after the transition as of February 2014. I was a little depressed but also was looking forward to the time off from working 30 straight years. I went pig hunting a couple of weeks down at Ft Stewart, farted around the house and thought about a lot of things in life. I even put this hunt up on the dangerous game forum to see if anyone was interested in a discounted spot and stalk hunt in Alberta. I'm glad no one answered that post. I found a new job, life is back on track and I went hunting bears after all.
Day one, May 19 about 9 am. Driving out to the woods, slowing down as we pas openings and old roads just incase a big black spot is feeding. "Hey, is that one down there about a mile?" my guide Chris ask. Why yes it is........................