Okay, so before I realized the issues wasn't with the latch spring screw, I attempted to tighten it down. It was slow going, and felt pretty tight in there, but I figured it was just a tight screw and kept going. Well, I snapped the screw. I'm not worried about this voiding any return policy, because I've decided not to return it. I had them open a few risers so I could pick my favorite, and it is my favorite. It's not going back.
So, I need to fix this myself. I've found that the limbs will fit if I force them, the locator limbs are just a millimeter or so.short of fitting properly, so I plan to file down the locator screws.
But now I need to figure out a way to get the bottom half of this screw stuck in the latch spring hole. It's too tight to drill it out, so I could super glue the top half of the screw back on and hope it holds enough to pull it out, or I can try and file a canal across the top of the break and put a flathead in there.
Do you think gluing the top half back.on would work?