Hey guys,
So my two year old daughter today was especially interested in one of my bows, so I set her on my lap and let her "help" me draw it back, and she thought it was the coolest thing in the world.
So my wife takes her to target to get one of the plastic Merida bows from the movie Brave. It's cheap, plastic, and terrible. But it flings those little suction cup arrows about 5 feet. And she loves it took about half an hour before she understood the operation, and it works a lot.better if you help her hold it, but I have never seen her attention span hold anything longer than half an hour, and this cheap plastic bow had her for hours.
So I'm looking for recommendations on someone who would be willing to do an extra special custom 5# or less bow with an AMO of like 24". I don't need anything special, just give her an actual bow to fiddle with, so she doesn't learn any really terrible bad habits right out of the gate.
Any suggestions welcome. I'm all ears!