Don't have access to any pics of my bow while at work. But I recently did a longbow I had. I can list my steps:
- Sanded with 150 grit sandpaper. Not too heavy, but enough to smooth a few dings.
- Primed it with flat black spray paint, Krylon I believe. Two coats.
- Took a maple leaf off a tree in the yard and used that next. Sprayed a blotch here and there over the length off the bow. Using the leaf as a template. I used a flat gray Krylon again.
- Took a small cedar branch from another tree in my yard and did the same thing, sprayed here and there with the branch as my template. This time using a light tan color.
- Finished with 3 coats of flat, spray, polyurethane. Reattached my grip and rug and it looks great!
I can try and get some pics of the finished product if interested. Good luck and just think it out ahead of time.