Flesner, please do not describe my favorite bag as "sorry"!
Back in olden times, I was a cashier at Dart Drug. Then I was shipping and receiving manager, in charge of the beer and wine section, and the incoming vendors and the Back Room. The Back Room had all kinds of crap in it, mostly unsalable merchandise that needed to go back from whence it came or be deemed a superfund site, and bits of detritus that had piled up for the last twenty years. I was told to clean it out.
Clean it out I did, only having to evacuate the store once when some arcane fluid gleefully escaped its shattered glass confines, and I discovered a prize! "What should I do with these?" I innocently asked. My boss told me to get them outta there. So I went home with heavy cotton sacks that said "US Mint" and "dimes".
Later, I used magic markers and spray paint, and 3/8" cotton rope to make the sweetest game bag, collection bag, everything else bag that you could want. I use it during squirrel season for all of the above, plus for stashing any and all found treasures, from birch bark to tree jelly fungus, and bringing it triumphantly into camp. It will hold clothing shed as the day warms, water bottles and trash picked up en route.
Do not scoff at the lowly cotton bag. It is a gift from the gods. And the drug store manager.