Calgary, about the only time I carry is in the tent, and frankly, I am not keen on the spray making it thru to the other side if the bear is standing on me. I know that the chances are slim that I will ever get attacked by a bear, but you know. . .
Growing up I read all the stories about the one in a billion situation where the bear comes into camp and drags away one of my mates, to be eaten within earshot, while everybody else, of course unprotected, climbs a tree and can do nothing but listen. I don't get to read about all the other campers who had no issues at all.
Sorry, that ain't gonna happen here. I will have SOMETHING with which to try. A stick, a spear, a gun, bear spray. . whatever.
I don't (yet) hunt grizzly country. I am more concerned with a cougar than a black bear where I trek.