It won't be fancy but it should be cozy. I'll be installing the wood stove this week. The loft is looking more and more like a real deer camp.
I was hoping to have the barn a little more complete but it's been a rough couple of months. My best and favorite hunting partner, my Dad, was called home by the Lord after his 14-month battle with melanoma cancer. There is a large void in my world now and I miss him terribly but I am so happy that he is face to face with our Savior Jesus Christ and has a new body free from pain and disease.
Dad you taught me everything I know, instilled the importance of love of family and country, the value of hard work and being the best I can be and a love of the outdoors that has never waned after all these years. You were the greatest man I have ever known, an incredible father, husband and grandfather. If I can be half the man you were, I will be doing great. From losing your father at the age of 8 to earning a Purple Heart in Vietnam to losing a good job with small kids and a wife to care for, you never once complained or felt sorry for yourself. Words cannot express the love and respect I have for you in my heart. We all miss you terribly, especially those granddaughters who were your sidekicks all these years. Go on peacefully knowing that you left an amazing legacy here and an amazing family that your love solidified. Give Grandma and Pops a hug and kiss for me and we will see you again someday. I love you Dad!