When I used to hunt with the compound, I was always pretty intense, telling myself I had to kill something.
The trad transition has helped slow things down a bit and allowed me to enjoy the ENTIRE hunt experience, flora, fauna, weather, food, campfires, participants, even mistakes to be laughed at. So my goals are to do just that, relax and take it all in.
Naturally, since it is a hunt, the purpose is to come home with some meat, but I think that's only part of the focus.
I have to believe your state of mind has a lot to do with the outcome.
I remember once riding up to the Flat Tops on an Elk hunt, looking out over the horses head, just enjoying myself in the beautiful Fall air and thinking,"If I get one, it will be frosting on the cake, but this ride right here, right now...is worth the price of admission all by itself".
That year I arrowed a Bull the first morning even before the frost was off the grass.