Went through my stuff and don't have a lot but this is what I have to give, hope it helps.
1. New Med. Dura Glove (Has been washed and oiled to get it to from fit and get some of the dye out).
2. 7 dozen 4" LH Primary feathers I split, ground, and chopped shield cut.
3. 5 dozen 4" LH Secondary feathers I split, ground, and chopped shield cut. Can be used for stumping arrows etc...
4. Some 150 grains Hammerheads, 150 grains Hex head,75 grain steel adapters, and 2 175 grain WW Elites.
What I lack in material goods I'm rich in the knowledge of Jesus Christ my lord, and as Peter and John said to the beggar "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."
So My friend I'm praying for you to the one who is able to restore you to wholeness.
I'll try and get this in the mail today.