Yup.... Mike nailed it. A good limb design is a good limb design and some of them benefit in performance with the use of carbon, and some do not..... Uni-carbon is what really adds the snap to a bow... but... Uni-carbon has less torsional strength than fiberglass does.... So you have a trade off...
I'm right there along with the same thought that Mike pointed out about building hot rods with carbon backing. if your design isn't vertically and torsionally stable, and i mean rock solid.... you are going to have a less forgiving bow due to the instability..... With a less than perfect release, it's going to effect your accuracy a lot more.
The only way carbon is going to significantly increase your performance is by putting it directly on the back of the limbs, and use a lighter weight core material than bamboo. But the down side of this is that the carbon is more fragile than glass.....
To me personally... i wouldn't hunt with carbon backed limbs. i'm too rough on my bows. If you like the looks of it. put glass over it like this one.....
Hey Mike, She came out pretty good looking.