There are lots of ways to fling arrows. None of those ways is the only way or the best way (for you). They all work, to varying degrees.
Consider something though. Every time you add something to the aiming sequence, you have the possibility of making the whole thing more precise, of course, starting with good form and matched equipment. A single sight pin (or arrow point), a single anchor, multiple sight points, multiple anchor points,distance meters and on all CAN add precision. You need to decide what YOU want out of this game and go from there.
No sense messing with simple instinctive aiming if your goal is to break nocks all day. Sure, a few can do it, but if you add all the "stuff" you are more likely to do it, the biggest jump up being, of course, the compound system with release.
If your goal is to enjoy yourself in the simplest way, not worry so much about the competition, and still hit reasonably well at reasonable (or maybe. . doable)distances, then maybe instinctive is in your future.
Howard supposedly stated, "you got to decide if you are going to be a hunter or a target archer".