Ok, I have not shot a deer with this bow/arrow combo and my test is a little different as pizza boxes are not readily available...
BOW: Hoyt Dorado 45# at 28 (known for being 2 # more then stated at 28) I draw 27 3/4.
ARROW: Cebela stalker extreme 45-60's, 31" long 125 grain points with 4" feathers. Total arrow weight is 395 grains.
OTHER: 16 strand FF string, 2 everlast string leach silencer's, I shoot with a flipper rest 2 and a plunger button, I use a NEAT glove and shoot 3 under.
DISTANCE: both shots are from 10 yards
TARGET 1: 6 layers of cardboard that = 7/8" thick
TARGET 2: I decided to double the cardboard, I folded it in half and now it was 12 layers that =1 1/2" thick