Hi Joe - good point about adding cover. I do that quite a bit too. For sure when I'm pruning limbs from around the stand when I'm up in it the limbs don't get dropped to the ground, but tucked into strategic places on the backside of the tree or amongst other limbs to increase the cover. Another thing I do quite often is tie limbs back rather than cut them from around the stand - I get a string tied on a few feet out from the tree, put it around a bigger limb, and use the bigger one for leverage to pull the smaller limb out of the shooting lane, but leave it attached to the tree for cover, then tie off. I've pulled lots of cedar limbs, beech limbs, or pin oak limbs (all of which hold leaves a long time when cut off green in the summer) up into a stand and tied them around for cover too, over the years. I've even been known to drag up a 15 ft long section of 4 ft tall 2X4 welded wire fence up into the tree - wire it in place like a cage in front of and around the sides of the stand, cut shooting holes into it with pliers, and weave cedar or pine limbs through it and zip-tie limbs onto it if there is a REALLY good spot with no cover. Looks like a giant squirrel nest, but the deer get used to it by season. I've killed a couple really nice bucks from these squirrel nest stands.
By the way, where you headed to this Fall, Joe? any big plans?