The first day I was confident that I could consistantly kill at 8 yards

and after a week I was confident I could do the same at 10 yards

. but it took s couple of months to increase that range to 15 yards or so and much longer to 20.
Thing is, that 20 looks close until you are looking at your first few animals at does that seem fat at times.
Of course some days are better than others. When having a bad day...or less than stellar, set down the gear for a little bit and do something else. Try to change your mind set. Maybe relax a little more or just something different to change the mood.
Won't always work, but you can't force a bad day to go away, you must trick it.
After a while (longer for some) your good and bad days don't seem to be as dramatically different.
It takes time. Don't rush it and shooting 500 arrows a day will not help either.
When you can no longer devote full attention to your shooting's time to step away and do something else at least for a little while.