Curt, Cade, my son Tyler and I have been bowfishing together since before Cade could impale a scale. That wasn't the case Saturday night. Cade is now plenty big and strong to puncture some fish. My son hasn't had the chance to bowfish for about 3 years due to two years in Brazil on a Church mission and his first year of college (straight "A"s in prep for dental school). I was very excited for a night of bowfishing with my son and good friends.
Curt and I are a couple of proud Papas!
We left my house at around 8 PM and headed for the river. It didn't take long after launching the boat and Cade and Tyler were launching arrows. I think they shot 14 times before Curt even had a chance to pick up his bow.
Curt did pickup a bow eventually.
The action just never slowed down. The conservative shot count came in at around 150. The actual shot connection count was a bit less. They did manage to get some good fish and for some reason we had a large number of pull offs.
Tyler managed to get a pretty good fish.
We were coming in and commenting about all the fun and Cade was wondering how many fish we'd have if we got all of the ones we shot at. I simply said, "if we got them all we'd need a lot bigger boat"!
The best testament I could've gotten was when we got in the truck for the ride home Cade said, "It was a good night!"
Amen, my young friend...Amen!
Father and Son!