If the string stays in place, don't mess with it. Just shoot it, I wont be offended if you shoot a bow with twisted limbs(LOL). There are a several ways to get rid of limb twist I have tried a few myself, what has worked for me is letting semi hot water run over the twisted area on each limb for a minute or two and twisting the opposite direction then running cold water over the affected area while twisting the opposite direction(do one limb at a time) then I clamp it to a flat surface and let sit for a day or two. I have had pretty good luck with this method so its what I do. I won a Grizzly on the big auction site awhile back, it was labeled a WALL HANGER because of limb twist. I bid on it strictly to experiment on it. My most expensive bow purchase to date ($26) Well I am happy to report that it is a fine bow now (with NO limb twist)and it is one of my shooters. Maybe try this if you haven't, maybe it works for you. Good luck.