I like your post. I've read about these sharpeners in the past. I bought one and wasn't impressed.
Fast forward a couple of years. I'm walking around the local flea market and here's a guy charging people to sharpen knives with one of these things. I get to thinkin' "maybe I should try again".
I got out my new Grizzlys and went to work. My left forearm is hairless and I drew blood more than once without trying. I literally shaved skin off of my arm. What changed?
The first time I used it, I sharpened some Tusker broadheads. I really like the heads but they require you to remove some metal before they get sharp, much like the old Grizzlys. If you are patient, the Tuskers are awesome. If you're like me, you get impatient and remove the temper from the tip of the head.
Originally posted by medic77:
I'm always impressed with people that aren't sharpening challenged as myself. Looks like those heads can do work
After I sharpened my Grizzly's, I brought out all the kitchen knives (This part is for Medic77). A very light touch and wild guess as to the blade angle, my kitchen knives, cheap as they are, have never been so sharp.
I do like working with a stone and my KME sharpener but, I really do like my adapted bench grinder. It works great to put a super edge on a broadhead and knives.
P.S. I've got one Tusker that is, without a doubt, the sharpest piece of metal I've ever held in my hand and I did it with this system on my bench grinder.