About a year and a half ago, for some reason I started shooting like crap. I don't know what the deal was but it was really bothering me. I fought it and fought it and posted videos on here and even talked to Rod Jenkins personally about it and nothing did any good. I got to the point where I was sick and tired of it that I actually put my bows up for sale, but luckily for me no one bought them! I love traditional archery and everything that goes with it, waking in the woods carrying my longbow or recurve just makes me feel like I belong I guess is how you can explain it. So every once I awhile I would still go out and shoot in hopes that the magical bow fairy came while I was sleeping and blessed me with the ability to shoot again. We'll the other day I was out in the yard shooting and I had an AH HA moment!! I realized that I wasn't shooting with my back, the entire time I thought that my form was correct but I guess it wasn't. So I started working on drawing with my back muscles and after a few shots it's like I've never had a problem. I'm still not shooting as good as I once did but it's still better than I was, if that make since. I just love traditional archery so much, and everything that goes with it. The smell of cedar arrows or burnt feathers and the sound of the bow as it's shot, I enjoy all the people and how friendly and enviting everyone is. While I'm hunting I don't have to see or shoot anything to have a great time, there is just something about being in the outdoors with a traditional bow in your hands. Man I'm glad that nobody bought my bows!!