Well, Bill, get ready for a wonderful time hunting in and around Lost Canyon! Bill and Jeanne are the most generous and gracious couple I've met in my lifetime, and Bill has decades of hard-earned knowledge about his neck of the woods that he shares fully... perhaps more fully than he really should! You and Tracy are going to have a great experience, on SO many levels.
The other thing about Mr. Kissner is how he will certify that beautiful new bow's worth as a hunting tool. The man is a KILLIN' MACHINE, and has taken more elk with a bow than I have whitetails! As a bowyer, I'd have to think it is gratifying to put one of your creations in the hands of someone who has shown he can do so much with it, and use it so well. It couldn't be going to a better home.
Enjoy the fellowship, food, scenery, food, hunting, food, accommodations... well, you get the idea! And don't forget to take note of the starry display at night. It is gorgeous.
They are out there waiting for you and Tracy. I hope you get the chance at a close encounter- or maybe even a shot!